Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Ricotta Stuffed Mushrooms

Hello there,
I hope you all are having a marvelous day! 
It has been awhile, but I am happy to be back (just for you) to share this master piece. Well, not exactly a masterpiece, but you get the point. :)
Ricotta Stuffed Mushrooms
1 cup ricotta cheese
1 small tomato finely chopped
1 tablespoon chopped onion
2/4 cup mozzarella  cheese
1 egg
2 packs of  small white/button mushrooms caps, stems removed  and washed.
2 tablespoons grated  Parmesan
 salt and pepper for taste
handful of  croutons crushed /crumbled
also optional you can use dried herbs for garnish / more flavor

Preheat the oven to 350 F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Mix ricotta, chopped tomatoes, onions, mozzarella cheese, and the egg  in a small bowl. Add half of the croutons and salt and pepper according to your taste and mix well.
Spoon the filling into mushrooms  caps. Sprinkle with remaining croutons s and parmesan cheese. Bake for 15-20 minutes,  or until golden.  Serve hot.
Let me know how it turns out. 

All ready for the oven

All done! 

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