Saturday, July 18, 2015

Rice Stuffed Peppers (meatless and delicious)

Hello, thank you for stopping by. I hope all is well over  there.

I visited a local farmer's market and  scored some awesome locally grown peppers. As I was staring at the $.99/lb sign, my brain quickly went into "brainstorming mode". I liked the price, but didn't want to buy them  without a plan. Seconds later the perfect  idea for tonight's dinner was born: ardei umpluti (Ardei Umpluti is  the Romanian  name for  stuffed peppers.) I was a happy shopper. :))

The recipe below is simple, and  really delicious. I hope you try it and love it as much as we do.

Ingredients for Peppers:

 8-10 bell peppers (color doesn't mater)
 2 cups white rice 
 4 tablespoons oil ( vegetable, sunflower, canola, or olive oil )
 3 medium carrots (shredded)
 2 medium onions (chopped)
 1 medium tomato (juiced)
 1/2 teaspoon  black pepper, ground
 1 teaspoon salt
 2 handfuls fresh dill, chopped(about 2/4 cup)

Ingredients for Sauce  (peppers will be cooked in the sauce):

 1 tablespoon oil
 3 cups water
 1 cup tomato juice (store bought or homemade)
 1 teaspoon salt


1. In a small bowl, wash rice in warm water until clean. Once clean, add warm water to cover and allow to sit aside.

2. Peel onions, wash, and chop. Peel carrots, wash, and shred. Chop or use the shredder to  juice the tomato. Set aside.

3. Heat a frying pan over medium heat and add 4 tablespoons of oil  and onions. Saute for about 1 minute. Next add carrots, salt, and pepper and  saute them together, mixing often, for about 5 minutes. Lastly add the juiced or chopped tomato and saute for another minute and turn off heat.

4. Drain rice and add to the pan with onions and carrots. Mix in chopped dill. Set mixture aside

5. While that sits for a few minutes, wash  the peppers and core them.

6. Fill the peppers with the rice filling and place them in a sauce pan, on their sides or face up.

 7. Mix sauce ingredients and pour the sauce in the sauce pan.  Bring to a boil, and turn the heat down to low and cook for about 30-40 minutes. If you have left over filling, no problem,  it freezes well and you can use it another time. 

8. Allow the peppers to cool just a couple of minutes and serve with sour cream.

Let me know if you have any questions. :)

Bon Apetit!